
10 Positive Affirmations to tell your Kids

Parenting is SO hard today.  I mean I’m sure it’s been just as hard for forever, but regardless, its hard to be raising babies in a world where there is SO much outside influence from tv, social media, and so on.  So for me one thing that has been really important in my day to day life with my kids is to tell them small affirmations throughout the day that hopefully will stick with them and be a statements they KNOW to be true as the grow up. I thought I would share with you ten positive affirmations to tell your kids.

toddler girl kissing mom on couch

toddler girl sitting at table

1o Positive Affirmations to tell your Kids

You are loved

You are Brave

You are Kind

You are Smart

You are handsome

You are beautiful

You are loving

You work really hard

You’re a great friend

You’re a great son/daughter/sister/brother

toddler girl sitting


There are so many other affirmations you can tell your children, but I have found that taking time in the car or in moments where we are one on one to say some of these things has made me more purposeful in using those positive phrases.  It’s far to easy to forget those reminders and only tell your kids negative things when they do something wrong, so if you try to say a few of these each day to your child you are making sure that they know the things that you already know to be true about those beautiful kids of yours!

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10 postive affirmations


photos by Cindy Lee photography – St. Louis MO

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