Our sweet Goldie Mae is TWO MONTHS OLD! Seriously, time is flying more and more with each of my babies, and it is breaking my heart. I told you guys last month, that one thing I would be working on is monthly round ups of what we loved the most each month. So on top of our update on sweet Goldie, I am also sharing the favorite items for 2 month olds.
The Rest of her monthly updates and Favorite Items
This post contains affiliate links, however all opinions are my own
2 Month Update on Goldie
Sweet Goldie is doing so well. She is easily our smiliest baby of the crew, and she lets out little squeals. She is pretty content, but does love to be held, or worn in the Solly baby wrap. Overall she is sleeping super well – going down in her bed rom 7-10 pm. We then wake her up for a quick feed at 10, and she sleeps until roughly 5 am most days. After that super early morning feed we put her back down in her own room, which has been great for handling the other kids in the before school chaos!
She loves to be sung to, to be held, to be worn, being rocked in her chair, and basically anything that gives her attention…and being the youngest in a 6 person household means there is no shortage of attention
2 Month Postpartum Update
I definitely finally feel back to myself physically, and finally just got my first workout in. Things definitely feel different from day to day emotionally right now. There have been lots of changes to our day to day lives, and I am just learning to navigate the new, and find balance. I am a SUPER structured mom, so the older she gets, the more of a schedule we are on, and thus the better I am doing.
For me the hardest things right now have been: learning to juggle work and a newborn, and juggling my attention with all the kids. I get asked a lot ‘how I do it all’, and the truth is that I don’t. And the moments I do get a lot done, I basically feel like I’m drowning. So just remember that just because things look put together, doesn’t mean it always is. This time of year is SO busy for me work wise, and I am trying to find balance, but that doesn’t always happen easily.
And the kids – there is always something with someone, and there is always attention needed by someone, so although I think we will settle into a new normal, this season is very busy, and I think most of us are feeling that.
Overall – things are good. But they are also hard! haha
Favorite Items for 2 Month Olds
To shop this post you have several options – you can either click the image on the product you’re loving, or you can click the links below!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 1 5 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21
- Wipes Warmer – Goldie does so much better with warm wipes at night
- Burpy Bibs – these are the best
- Pacifiers
- Loved Baby onsies
- These pads make it so much easier to change baby ANYWHERE
- Carseat – if you are going to splurge on one item go with the item you will use the most. This carseat is the best and SO LIGHT.
- Best headbands!
- Mustela – Goldie was getting cradle cap and this gets rid of it INSTANTLY
- Paci Clip
- Hatch Sound machine – I have owned SO many, and this is by far the best
- Avent Bottles
- Guava pack n play/bassinet
- Nuna Leaf
- Bath Seat
- This infant seat for the Stokke highchair is SO NICE!! GOLDIE IS OBSESSED
- Boon Grass
- Freshly Picked Diaper bag – I have tried every diaper bag, and this is by far my favorite – read my full review here.
- DockATot
- Stokke highchair – using it with infant seat currently
- These tights/pants are SO CUTE
- Playmat – I went back and forth on the best one, and decided on this one. It isn’t a total eyesore, but still gets her attention and was super affordable
Again like I said on month one – I am hoping if you are following these you will see items that remain favorites, and will know they are items worth getting or items worth spending more on. Be sure to keep following along here or on Instagram, and I hope you loved these favorite items for 2 month olds.
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