Who is ready to start the new year off right? My husband and I have committed to the Whole 30 diet for the month of January this year, so I wanted to put together a free printable Whole 30 Calendar for any of my readers who want to join me!
This is not my typical blog post, but I love to share the in’s and out’s of our life, and for the first month of the year, this will be part of it. I have an autoimmune disorder that I hope to sort of see some improvement with by doing this diet…and ill be honest, I think my body and liver are dying for a break from all the unhealthy things the holidays bring.
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A Break Down of Posts to Come
I am not an expert on the Whole 30 diet, so I suggest you check it out their site if you’re wanting to learn more.
This post will contain your free printable Whole 30 calendar, as well as links and resources to a few things that I will personally be getting ahead of time to last the whole month.
I am personally not adding lunches and breakfasts to this calendar because due to the nature of jobs and where you are, I know what you will want to eat for those meals will vary.
My Suggestion is to have some great options on hand for lunch or dinner, and if you are a leftover eater for lunch you will likely have plenty, or you can double the recipes. I have not tried many of these recipes, so I will be right along with you on this journey, and would love to have you follow along with me!
Weekly Shopping Lists
There will be weekly shopping lists you can print out. I will compile the ingredients from each recipe on the Calendar and the quantities needed for that week. I will leave blank spaces for you to add your breakfast and lunch items, and be sure to cross off anything you still had from the week prior.
It will be a comprehensive list, so you might not have to buy everything! Also if you’re doubling recipes, be sure to buy extras of those ingredients!
Free Printable Whole 30 Calendar
Print out your calendar HERE, and use this through the month. If you’re not doing this in Jan of 2019, don’t worry about it, just follow along the order of dates for your 30 recipes! Also – Note that I am starting on Jan 2 in order to not start on a holiday. That was just personal Preference for us!
Staples to Buy Ahead
There are a few things I would stock up on ahead of time if you’re planning to do the Whole 30 diet. One of the biggest for me is going to be creamer for my coffee.
Trader Joe’s does carry a compliant almond milk option if you have one close, but I have heard amazing things about this brand, and will be personally trying it from Amazon.
Lara bars or RX Bars – you can decide on your own if you think this is a good idea. They are compliant but not recommended, however I know for our lifestyle, having them on hand will be needed.
So we will be buying some. READ YOUR LABELS – you can not have all flavors of these bars.
Now that you have read all of that HEAD TO YOUR WEEKLY SHOPPING LISTS & LINKS TO RECIPES