
10 Steps to Prepping your Home for Spring

Spring is here and boy am I ready!  If I could I would keep spring weather year-round, and after that bitter cold that St. Louis gave us in February this year, spring feels even better.  I think as the sun starts to shine and the days get longer we all get a pep in our step to get stuff done around our house, so I wanted to talk to you about 10 steps to prepping your home for spring so you can enjoy this summer.

This post was sponsored by Hoffmann Brothers.  Thank you for supporting the brands that support me and my page!

prepping your home for spring

10 Ways to Prep your Home for Spring

Every year spring hits, and we all think of ‘spring cleaning’, but it really is an important time of year to do much more than that to keep our homes ready for the warmer months.  I wanted to give you a checklist of 10 things to do this spring to better enjoy your home this summer!

1 – Get your AC Checked

This one is sort of a ‘no brainer’, but honestly it goes undone – even by me.  The last thing you want is to find out in the middle of a hot summer that your AC has gone out – trust me it happened to us a few years ago on the 4thof July and I still have PTSD from it. 

Hoffmann Brothers in St. Louis and Nashville has Home Protection plans where they will come out and check your air conditioning units, change tour filters and make sure everything is working well for the summer months.  (They will also do this in the fall for your heating unit).

We have been on Hoffmann Brothers Home Protection Plan for 2 years now and NEVER once have been pressured to buy or fix things that aren’t needed (most of the time it is a quick in and out). 

Finding a company where you feel comfortable with knowledgeable reps where you know they just truly want your home to serve you well for the season is important and they truly are that. 

2– Get Sprayed for Bugs

Whether you have a method you use on your own, or you use a company I suggest as thing warm up to get your home sprayed for bugs.  It is so worth the comfort it gives you as year goes on.  

Prepping your home for spring

3- Clean Out your Gutters

Spring showers are a real thing.  Make sure you get your gutters cleared from the leaves that dropped last fall.  Full gutters can cause the rain to run down your foundation causing erosion and leaks.  Most people don’t know how serious that little chore is, and how important it can be!

4 – Trim your Trees 

This is REALLY important for safety if your trees are really big.  Our last two homes had very large trees and having them professionally trimmed and checked on can save homes and lives as those big rains start to fall.

When the rain gets the ground really wet the roots loosen, so unsafe trees are more apt to fall in a spring storm.  We had professionals out to trim our trees a month ago and they let us know that this big trimming would keep the home safe for about 3 years. 

4 – Prep your Basement for Storm Shelter

This may not be the same everywhere you live – but in the Midwest this is big.  We personally put together a small basket like the one pictured below for storms.

storm prep basket

Keep it in the basement or where you can grab it quickly to go down in case of a storm.  Include things like water, breakfast bars, CHARGED external chargers, medicine, and anything else that would be super important for 24+ hours downstairs.  

That sounds dramatic but as a mom I find it to be really important.  For us we are just leaving the baby age, but we in past years always had diapers, wipes (still will this year) and formula because the only thing that could make being trapped in a space worse would be a really mad hungry baby!

5 – Pressure Wash

If you live where you had snow that could mean cleaning your street, clean your sidewalks and driveway from salt and the gunk snow leaves (if you get snow you know what I mean). It is also a great time of the year to power wash that siding so when you are outside you can enjoy your house more fully.

It tends to be easier to do this before all the leaves come back to the trees and bushes if you have any that block your home. 

6 – Get Your Ducts Cleaned

After a season stuck indoors (and in this case a full year) spring is great time to get your air ducts cleaned. You can leave your windows open during the process during the nice spring weather and it will make your home air quality so much higher.

If you are in St. Louis or Nashville call Hoffmann brothers to schedule your duct cleaning.  I know that is on our list this spring after a fall full of renovations. 

faux fiddle in house

7 – Clean your Car Out

I know I am not alone in that fact that in the winter when I get out of my car I am as quick as can be getting in the house.  That means more trash and mess gets left in my car.  I always like to take my car and get it cleaned both inside and out in the spring to start the season off better.

If you live in an area where salt is used on the roads in the winter this is especially important so that your car gets all that salt cleaned off and it doesn’t sit on their longer than needed. 

8 – Spring Clean your house

Okay so like I said this wasn’t JUST a spring-cleaning list but that is something on the list.  There is nothing better than taking a weekend to REALLY clean after the long winter.  I have a spring-cleaning checklist here on this post that might be helpful if you ready to take hat chore on. 

Clean your blankets and such that you were using more during the winter, and power wash the rugs that can be cleaned.  Get your house feeling spick and span!

prepping your home for spring

9 – Re-stain Wood Decks or Fences 

If you have a wood deck or fence this is the time of year to re-stain and get them cleaned up for spring. The cold winter months are hard on wood so assess where yours is and be ready to tackle the project to protect your wood from the hot sun!

10 – Get Organized 

This is a good time of year to declutter and organize.  Get rid of excess paperwork (great to do after taxes) and such.  If you have kids, they are likely playing outside more so you can get some peace and quiet and get rid of all of that Clutter. 

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Hopefully you found these tips on prepping your home for spring to be helpful and are ready to tackle those home projects to keep your home and family safe this coming season.  If you have any questions, as always, reach out to me on Instagram (@arinsolange) and be sure to pin the photo below so you can find this post later!

prepping your home for spring
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