DaVinci Jenny Lind Kids Bed: Best Twin Bed Option?
I am asked all the time about the Jenny Lind twin bed we went with in our boys’ room. This past year we found out we were expecting our 4th baby, and needed to move our two boys into a shared bedroom. After a lot of thought, we went with two twin beds for the space.
I wanted an inexpensive option for the beds, knowing the room sharing wouldn’t be long term, and ultimately decided on the DaVinci Jenny Lind twin bed in black as being the best twin bed option for us.
I have been asked SO many times about choosing a twin bed, and the Davinci Jenny Lind twin bed, that I decided I would do a DaVinci Jenny Lind bed review to keep my thoughts in one place.
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DaVinci Jenny Lind Bed Review
Because I know I am all about reviews when I am buying products, especially furniture online, below is my unbiased review of the DaVinci Jenny Lind Beds. Sometimes hearing if someone else really likes an item, or regrets buying it helps me make my final decision.
This is not sponsored, and we purchased both of the beds on our own, so please know this is fully honest and unbiased – I would definitely tell you with some disdain if I didn’t like them haha!
Why we picked these beds
(How much are kids beds, DaVinci vs. Crate and Kids, sturdy kids beds, etc.)
First off – I thought I would explain why we picked these twin beds before I go into the actual review of the beds.
When we were pregnant with sweet Goldie, our 4th baby, I did SO much research on whether I wanted the boys to have bunk beds or 2 twin beds. So much so I even wrote this post on it after talking to lots of moms.
Ultimately I clearly went with two twin beds, based on Walker only being not even quite 2 years old, and feeling the access to bunk beds would not be great at that time. Because I wasn’t sure how long this shared room situation would last didn’t want to spend a fortune.
I also loved that these beds not long looked adorable in a shared space, but also would be perfect in a room alone. At the time when we bought them we assumed we would be moving in a year or so, and thus I wanted something I could continue to use in Walker’s room after the move!
We own a metal twin bed from Crate and Barrel that we had for Jack as a young toddler, and although it was adorable, the metal frame was really squeaky, so we knew that wood was the right choice this time.
I also change my decor ALL THE TIME (comes with the job), so picking something neutral was super important to me, and I felt black made it slightly more masculine than the white version, but do know you can get it in white!
The other reason I went with this twin spool bed is the fact that they have a great sturdy look, yet don’t make the room feel heavy. One thing I would recommend if you are dealing with a lot of furniture in a smaller space would be to go with something that isn’t too “heavy” feeling. It keeps the room feeling open and airy, but in this case still didn’t make it too feminine.
View this room here for all details | To see this room decorated for Christmas check out this post!
DaVinci Jenny Lind Bed Purchase and Assembly
I LOVE the look of Jenny Lind beds, and had been considering these from Crate and Kids – which if you want to see that bed in action my friend Chrissy, from Chrissy Marie Blog has on in her sons room, and it is gorgeous!
One thing I love about the Crate and Kids version is that you can get it bigger, which she did for her oldest son. They have also since barely changed the side of the version I have, so I can’t say enough good things about BOTH this version as well as the Crate and Kids if you are looking for a great black, wood bed.
Most all of the things I love about our version you will also get in the Crate and Kids Jenny Lind bed, so it is worth checking out both, but be sure to grab the Crate and Kids one on sale!
But the metal twin bed we had for Jack was from Crate and Barrel, as I mentioned above, and we didn’t have great luck. Add that to the fact that I really didn’t love them much more than the DaVinci twin bed version for nearly double the price.
How Much Do The DaVinci Jenny Lind Twin Beds Cost?
For the boys beds I paid $279 EACH and was able to get them on Amazon Prime. They arrived in two days, however I know that although they are always on Amazon they are not ALWAYS on Prime, so watch for the delivery time. If you aren’t in a rush, they go back to Prime eligible often!
I found them for the same price here
It is worth nothing that the beds each arrive in 2 very large boxes, and for me they were a bit too big for me to manage on my own.
The beds were VERY easily assembled with one person. My husband was able to do both beds on his own in one evening, with very little headache. I have seen him really curse some of my purchases, and this wasn’t one of them!
DaVinci Jenny Lind Bed Review
My boys have now had these beds for roughly 8 months each. I really wanted to give them a good try and see how they were holding up before writing this review, and knowing if I would truly recommend them.
Incase you want to stop reading – short answer is YES I would buy these again. BUT be sure to notice that I mentioned a small change in the frame to this bed since my first writing this post as well as since I purchased them. That change is to me VERY noteworthy.
The beds have been a great height from the ground up for my boys (ages 2 years old and 7 years old). One reason I picked this bed was the slat base – there is no need to add a box spring for this bed, which I LOVE.
It allows for the bed to be low to the ground, but not TOO low, in my opinion. I don’t worry about my boys falling out and getting hurt, but I still feel like decor wise, they look pleasing to the eye with no box spring (as opposed to some beds I have seen!).
My boys do not follow all the rules by any means (if yours do…please leave me your secrets in the comments haha) thus I have caught them jumping on these beds a lot! One of the things I like the most about these beds is how sturdy they are. I have not once heard them squeak and I don’t feel as though when I move them for cleaning and such that the connecting points loosen.
My daughter has a pottery barn bed (see her room here) , and I honestly feel as tho this one is as sturdy or more than hers is! – however hers is also a canopy bed – IE a 5 year olds monkey bars haha.
One small negative thing I will say about the bed is that when we put together one of the beds there was a slight flaw where the foot board met the side board making them not sit fully flush. I couldn’t tell you which bed it was at this point because it was slight, but that was truly the only issue I saw. I don’t know if it was error on assembly or if it was just a slight imperfection, but that truly was the only flaw we found, and I feel as though it was worth noting!
Some Measurements
When I am looking for a piece of furniture there are always a few measurements I am wondering about for mostly decor or storage reasons that are hard to find online. I measured a few spots to help you plan out your room. Many of the other measurements can be found on their website/ the Amazon listing, so I won’t go through every single one.
Clearance under the bed from the floor to the bottom of the bed (helpful if you are thinking you need a twin bed with storage): 8 inches
Floor to the top of the foot of the bed (helpful if you are looking for benches or storage units for the end of the bed): 22 inches
Floor to the top of the head of the bed (I took this measurement into major consideration on the dresser piece I put between their beds): 42 inches
See Listing full of other measurements here!
A couple of things to note on these twin beds
You don’t need (and I am not sure you could use) a bed skirt wth this bed. Due to the slat base and the corners I am not sure there is any way to actually add this.
I have noticed that the photos online seem as though the side piece has now changed to being 2 separate pieces with an additional leg in the middle of the sides of the bed. This does change the overall look to the bed a bit and doesn’t make it as identical to the Crate and Barrel one, so make sure you note that this has changed!! I would feel awful if you purchased based on this review and got something that looked slightly different!
As with any painted wood bed (similar to a crib) if you have a little one who might be rough on it you could definitely ruin it by scratching it or chewing on it. We haven’t had that issue, but its worth noting that with wood there is always that possibility.
This same bed comes in white as well and would make a great option if you are looking for a white version.
As far as I know the bed only comes in a Twin or a toddler size, so if you are looking for a full, you will want to visit the option of the Crate and Barrel version.
Like I said, we have TRULY loved this bed. It is available in white as well, and honestly is perfect in a child’s room for a good budget. Please feel free to leave me a comment or DM on Instagram if you have questions, and I would love to see pictures of it in your home if you purchase!
Since sharing these beds on Instagram and my blog the first time I can not tell you how many friends and followers have told me they wish they had seen these before spending the money on the Crate and Kids version. They truly are a really close dupe of the more expensive option, however to me in the case of a boys room I find that this version actually leans more masculine.
The spindles aren’t as “bubbled” so it takes away a bit of the girly factor to me.
Other Jenny Lind Beds To consider
The current bed I shared is out of stock, so I wanted to give you other great options to consider for the times this one is sold out. Below you can shop these great beds!
1. Twin black – $440
2. Bed from this post – buy here
3. Full sized canopy Bed – $407
4. Teal bed – $350 for full size. Also found here in white both full and twin1
5. Day Bed – This comes in black and white and is $700
6. $550 for the Twin – this option comes in several colors and sizes!
Pin the Photo below to find this review of the DaVinci Jenny Lind Bed later
Below is a photo to pin incase you want to read this review later, and don’t forget it you have any questions on this room the full room you can check out their shared bedroom here.
This room remains such a favorite, and the dresser between the boys beds has been a top seller – so if you are looking at these beds in a shared room situation similar to myself that might be worth checking out!
Please always feel free to reach out to me via Instagram (@arinsolange) with any questions or comments. I would love to see pictures or hear if you decide on these beds for your home, and would love to hear if you prefer the look of this one or the Crate and Kids!
If you purchase the Jenny Lind bed after the newly added middle leg on the side pieces, I would also LOVE a review on how you feel that looks in person, as I have gotten a few questions on that.
I love your boys room!!!
Cutest shared room Arin! You nailed it 🙂
Thank you girlfriend
Hi! I know this is a strange question, but I’m trying to figure out proper dimensions for framed art above twin beds just like this… Would you be able to tell me how big the framed posters are? They look perfect! Thank you!
Hi Katie – Mine were 20×30 inch frames 🙂
How big were the boxes? Would they fit inside a yukon xl? Trying to figure out if I need a pick up truck.
Hi – I am actually not sure because it has been so long.
The bed listed as option 1 has a broken link. Would you mind relinking or noting the site? Love the C&B option but our nook is 41.25” wide in a spot and its 1/2” too wide! Ugh! Thank you!
Hi Kristina,
I am thinking that bed is sold out as I can’t find it online anymore.
Hi! Thanks for this review, it’s super helpful. I was curious if you think there is room to add a box spring just to give bed a bit more height? Or would the mattress sit above the end slate?
you could add a small one but nothing very high with the footboard
Hello! Do you remember what size mattress you got for this bed? Thank you!
Hi – I believe these are 11 inch thick twin mattresses
I’ve been looking for something similar to the navy shelf in the middle. Do you have any ideas or the link to that one? Thanks!
Hi! It is old from Target but it was a media stand which might help your search in something similar
I noticed that you don’t have the board in the middle of the bed like I see on the bed in the website photos. I’ve been looking at these beds for a couple of days when I found your post. I want to go with the less expensive option, but I wanted to make sure it is ok to leave off the awkward piece of wood from the middle of the bed. Thank you!
Hi Amanda – when I got the bed that wasn’t on the bed, so I am not sure if it can be left off or not.