
Playhouse Makeover


Playhouse Makeover -

Playhouse Makeover

I have been wanting to get our kids a plastic playhouse (you know, the Little Tikes type ones) for a while but knew I wanted to get a used one to update and give a makeover, and let me tell you – that was less than easy to find. Now that I own one I get why people don’t just sell these things often. They are amazing. They pop together with no screws, and I love that we can take it apart and put it in the storage room over the winter (because midwest winters are brutal).

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Playhouse Makeover -

To update a playhouse of your own, you really only need a couple of items.

Spray Paint that can be used on plastics and outdoors

Playhouse Makeover -


Take apart the playhouse and clean it WELL.  I used a degreaser because I knew that would really get the dirt off.  I then used a wet cloth and wiped the whole thing down one more time to get any leftover cleaner off.

Next paint – Go with thin coats, and know that it will likely take a lot of paint.

Assemble and play…I know guys, super tricky!!

Playhouse Makeover -


The kids LOVE this thing, and I haven’t been worried about how it weathers, because I know I can touch it up each year when we get it out!! So if you have a sun faded playhouse, or you’re just looking for the one you have to have a cute “mini house” look, now you know how easy it is to do your own playhouse makeover!! I would love to see your finished product if you try this out!

The accessories in this post: Avé’s Dress // Leather Mat // Tableware // 





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