
Adding Textiles – Week 4 One Room Challenge

How on earth are we HALF WAY through the one room challenge? This week was simple…yet not. I had to figure out what textiles to add to the room to warm things up a bit. Adding Textiles to our dining room was actually really tricky for me. This is a room with a heavy amount of traffic, yet an area that I want to feel a bit more formal….so let me show you where I landed.

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Dining room with long white curtains

Adding Textiles to a Room

Adding textiles to a room is ALWAYS important, but the amount that exist varies a lot based on the kind of room. In a dining room there are less textiles than most so they have to count…and have to well thought through.

In my case I needed to decide on a rug and curtains…and I took into account the look I was going for and cost as my biggest factors. I will talk through those choices in this post but fist lets talk about this challenge, and what I am doing for the One Room Challenge.

One Room Challenge

Like I said at the start of this – we are on week 4 of the one room challenge. This is essentially a challenge where a group of home decor or DIY bloggers/influencers take on 1 room in their home to make it over in 8 weeks.

There are weekly updates, and you can find the rest of the participants here. Be sure to follow my progress on Instagram (@arinsolange) in my highlight and here on my blog.

Dining Room with Long White curtains

Picking Dining Room Textiles

This dining room makeover is honestly fairly neutral. It is an open room to the rest of my main floor so I knew I needed to add warmth with the textiles while keeping with the style of the rest of the floor.

I think that tends to be the hardest part of picking window treatment and rugs in general. They are major pieces that need to accent the room but rarely should steal the show. In this room I knew I wanted the table and walls to be the statement pieces, so I had to find just the right amount of glamour with the textiles.

Dining Room Rug

I also knew with the rug it needed to be something that coordinated well with the rugs in the other rooms because of its close proximity to several other rugs in the space.

Dining Room Rug

I was in love with 2 different rugs and went back and forth on if we should do a darker rug in the dining room or the living room. Utilmately we decided that the living room got more traffic and we went with the dark rug in there, and chose the subtle blush rug for the dining room – which I LOVE.

I love adding pink to every room in our home, and the chairs just on the other side of the dining room are blush, so this ties things together beautifully without being too matchy matchy.


Modern Dining Room

Dining Room Curtains

I also went back and forth with curtains, and ended up going with a slightly off white. I wanted a warmer white, and the end results are exactly what I was picturing. The room has incredibly tall ceilings and adding the long curtains made it feel that much more elegant. (Now they just need a little steaming).

I will be honest – initially I wanted velvet curtains, but our ceilings are SO tall that the options I was looking at were extremely expensive, so I landed on the normal fabric and am really happy with the end results.

Curtains | Curtain rod | Curtain rod Corner Connectors

What’s Next in My Room?

Alright….so half the one room challenge down, so what is left in this room?

  • Paint – this week I am hoping to give the room a fresh coat of paint.
  • Lighting – Chandelier and wall sconces need to go in.
  • Decor – Art and a mirror need to be hung. I also need to add some decorative accents on the table.
  • Table – the table needs to come back in.
  • And CHAIRS – That is the big last thing for me to figure out!

So be sure to watch for progress this week in stories and next week here on my blog!

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