
The Best Kitchen Wall Color Ideas With White Cabinets

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The best kitchen wall color ideas with white cabinets can range from a variety of colors and design choices. Regardless of your design style, white cabinets are a classic kitchen staple.

Whether you love a modern aesthetic or grand millennial vibe, white cabinets can complement any style. Let’s look at different factors and style choices to achieve the kitchen of your dreams.

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The Best Kitchen Wall Color Ideas With White Cabinets In Coastal Kitchen

The Best Kitchen Wall Color Ideas With White Cabinets

One of my favorite design trends are white cabinets. If you have white cabinets in your kitchen, you already know how versatile and timeless they can be.

 White cabinets provide a clean, fresh canvas that can complement a variety of wall colors, allowing you to get creative and personalize your space. 

In this post, we’ll explore some of the best kitchen wall color ideas that pair beautifully with white cabinets. 

Whether you’re aiming for a cozy, warm atmosphere or a sleek, modern vibe, we’ve got you covered with plenty of inspiration and practical tips to help you choose the perfect hue.

 Let’s get started on transforming your kitchen into a stunning and inviting space!

White cabinets and undercabinet screen

Considerations To Keep In Mind

Choosing the best kitchen wall color to complement white cabinets involves considering several factors to achieve a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing look.

 Here are some key considerations:

Overall Style & Theme Of Your Kitchen

Your home’s overall theme will help narrow down the best kitchen wall color ideas with white cabinets. 

Here are a few examples of how you can pair those white cabinets to your style:

  1. Modern/Contemporary: Consider neutral tones like grays, soft blues, or even bold colors like navy or charcoal for a sleek and sophisticated look.
  2. Traditional/Classical: Warm tones like beige, cream, or soft yellows can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere.
  3. Farmhouse/Shabby Chic: Pastel colors, soft greens, or even muted pinks can enhance the rustic charm.
  4. Grand Millennial: Soft blues, greens, and pinks are always a hit in a grand millennial home. You may even choose to go bold with floral wallpaper in those colors.
The Best Kitchen Wall Color Ideas With White Cabinets and light blue accent color

Kitchen Lighting

The type and amount of light in your kitchen can make a huge impact. Not all white kitchen cabinets are the same. Depending on the tone of your cabinets and lighting, you’ll find certain paint colors will pair better.

 If your kitchen gets a lot of natural light, you can afford to use darker or bolder colors. Conversely, in a kitchen with limited natural light, lighter colors can help brighten the space.

You’ll also want to consider the type of artificial lighting (warm or cool) and how it will affect the wall color. Warm lighting can make colors appear warmer, while cool lighting can make them appear cooler.

 Size Of The Kitchen

Your kitchen’s overall size will also help you narrow your focus on choosing a paint color to accompany your white cabinets. 

For smaller sized kitchens consider lighter colors that can make the space feel larger and more open. Whites, light grays, and pastels are good options.

   If you have a large kitchen you can get away with more bold color choices.  Darker or more saturated colors can add depth and coziness without making the space feel cramped.

However, bright light colors are always my preferred design choice regardless of your kitchen’s size.

White kitchen with vase and wine glasses

 Complementary Colors

This part can be tricky. You’ll want to make sure that the wall color you use will complement the white of your cabinets. Again, I’ll say not every white is the same. There are so many different shades of white.

Use a color wheel to find complementary or analogous colors that will harmonize with the white cabinets. For example, blues and greens are often complementary to white and can create a serene and balanced look.

Countertops &  Backsplash

You’ll not only need to complement your white cabinet’s to your new kitchen wall color, but it should also coordinate with your existing countertop and backsplash.

Neutral walls can balance busy or patterned countertops and backsplashes. A pop of color, on the other hand, can enhance simpler designs.

White backsplash and white cabinets in kitchen


Again, you’ll want to create a cohesive look by coordinating your flooring to your overall kitchen color scheme. In turn, this will create a unified design.

For example, if you have wood floors, warm wall colors can enhance the natural tones of the wood. Cool marble floors may lend itself to green-blue-gray cool tones to complement the flooring.

Personal Preference

   Ultimately, choose a color that you love and that makes you feel comfortable and happy in your kitchen. Your personal style and taste should guide your decision.

Trends vs.Timelessness

While it’s tempting to follow current trends, consider whether you’ll be happy with the color choice in the long run. 

Classic and neutral colors tend to be timeless and versatile.

The Best Kitchen Wall Color Ideas With White Cabinets and brass accents

Test Samples

   To help narrow down your decision I love using paint samples. 

Paint small sections of the wall with different color samples and observe them at different times of the day to see how they look in various lighting conditions.

 If possible, make sure you have this near your countertops, backsplash, and white cabinets. In turn, this will help give you an idea of the look as a whole.

Finish & Durability

 Lastly, once you have your preferred color, make sure to choose a paint finish that is durable and easy to clean.  The kitchen is a high-traffic area, so you’ll want to look at semi-gloss or satin finishes. These finishes are often preferred for their durability and ease of maintenance.

Grand Millennial Kitchen with Rattan Accents

My Favorite Kitchen Wall Color Ideas With White Cabinets

When it comes to designing a kitchen with white kitchen cabinets, choosing the right paint color for your kitchen walls can make all the difference. 

Whether you have a small kitchen or a spacious great room, finding the perfect balance between your white cabinetry and wall color is essential for creating a cohesive and inviting space. 

We’ll explore some of the best kitchen wall colors to complement white cabinets, featuring favorite shades from top brands like Benjamin Moore and Sherwin Williams. Let’s dive in!

Neutral Colors For A Timeless Look

Neutral colors are a popular choice for kitchen walls, especially when paired with white cabinetry. A neutral palette provides a clean look that never goes out of style. 

Consider shades like Benjamin Moore’s “Swiss Coffee” or Sherwin Williams’ “Alabaster.” These warm white cabinets and walls create an elegant look that can stand the test of time, making them a perfect choice for any kitchen design.

Grand Millennial Dining Room

Cool Grays For A Modern Look

For a modern kitchen, cool grays are a great option. Gray walls with gray undertones can offer a sophisticated and contemporary feel. 

Benjamin Moore’s “Gray Owl” or Sherwin Williams’ “Repose Gray” are excellent choices that work well with both white subway tile and brass hardware. These cool grays are versatile and can easily complement various kitchen color schemes.

Warm Tones For A Cozy Atmosphere

Warm colors can add a cozy and inviting atmosphere to your kitchen. Consider using warm grays or colors with yellow undertones to create a welcoming space. 

Colors like Benjamin Moore’s “White Dove” or “Cloud White” with their warm undertones can be the perfect complement to your white cabinetry. 

These shades are particularly effective in kitchens with natural materials like wood floors and countertops.

The Best Kitchen Wall Color Ideas With White Cabinets & Rattan Chairs

Bold Colors For A Pop Of Color

If you’re looking to add a pop of color to your kitchen walls, don’t shy away from bold color choices. Bright colors like vibrant blues or greens can create a striking contrast against white cabinets.

 Benjamin Moore’s “Hale Navy” or “Hunter Green” can transform your kitchen into a bold and dynamic space. Bright blues, in particular, are a great way to add energy and vibrancy to your kitchen design.

Remember, you can always use an accent wall in your kitchen to achieve this same look without making your entire kitchen bold.

Natural & Earthy Tones

Natural and earthy tones are a great way to bring warmth and texture to your kitchen. Soft browns, warm beiges, and muted greens can create a harmonious and serene environment. These tones work beautifully with white cabinetry and can be enhanced with wood tones and natural light. 

Benjamin Moore’s “Revere Pewter” or Sherwin Williams’ “Accessible Beige” are perfect shades that complement natural materials.

Classic White For A Clean Look

White walls are a classic and versatile choice that can make your kitchen feel bright and airy. 

Using different shades of white can create depth and interest. Benjamin Moore’s “Chantilly Lace” and Sherwin Williams’ “Pure White” achieve that perfect crisp and clean look. 

These pure white shades are great options for small spaces as they can make the room feel larger and more open.

Shop My Favorite Painting Accessories Supplies

If you are looking for kitchen wall color ideas with white cabinets and plan to DIY, check out my favorite supplies below:

The Best Kitchen Wall Color Ideas With White Cabinets Round Up of DIY Painting Supplies

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12


Paint Sprayer

Paint Sprayer

datacolor ColorReader EZ

datacolor ColorReader EZ

Touch Up Paint Container with Brush

Touch Up Paint Container with Brush

3M Small Hole Repair

3M Small Hole Repair

Touch-Up Paint Pen

Touch-Up Paint Pen

Global Fillable 2-in-1 Paint Touch-Up Applicator Pens

Global Fillable 2-in-1 Paint Touch-Up Applicator Pens

Hasegawa Ladders

Hasegawa Ladders

HANDY Paint Cup

HANDY Paint Cup

Wet Paint Brush Protectors

Wet Paint Brush Protectors

Home Painting Supplies

Home Painting Supplies

Stak Rack

Stak Rack

Paint Scraper 10 in 1 Putty Knife Multi-Use Painters Tool

Paint Scraper 10 in 1 Putty Knife Multi-Use Painters Tool

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Choosing the best kitchen wall color ideas to pair with your white kitchen cabinets can significantly impact the overall look and feel of your space.

From neutral colors that offer a timeless appeal to bold hues that add a pop of personality, there are endless possibilities to explore.

Remember to consider factors like natural light, personal preference, and how different shades interact with your kitchen’s elements. By taking the time to test colors and create a cohesive color palette, you’ll achieve a beautifully designed kitchen that you’ll love for years to come.

The Best Kitchen Wall Color Ideas With White Cabinets Round Up of DIY Painting Supplies
xoxo, Arin
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